Monday, December 11, 2006

New Here

Well I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I noticed everyone's got some kind of opinion and I thought what the hell I got a big mouth and I should start shooting it off.

Here your gonna read a lot of crap your probably not going to like, I am gonna say things that just might get under your collar, if so I don't care! These are MY personal opinions and you don't have to view this page if you really don't like what your reading.

I am not asking people to agree with me, but sometimes I can make a pretty good point.
And other times I might sound off my rocker man, but again who cares? if you don't like it get off this friggin page.

That being said over the next while I will jump right into how I think celebrities and the media are idiots, and how fans are getting more crazy by the minute!
You might get mad, you might have a laugh, you might agree, you might disagree...all in all have your own f**kin opinion, isen't that what this is all about...freedom to say what we feel?

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