Friday, December 15, 2006

Lazy People

I am going to try and keep this post short, I just want to draw some attention to all the frigging lazy ass people on this planet.
I sit around and listen to so many people around me complain about how this world is going to hell in a shit bag and yet they do nothing at all to change it!

You would rather sit around moaning and groaning about how shitty your life is rather then just learning to stand up for yourself and not allow people to walk all over you.
You'd rather post some stupid ass bulletin on myspace about how if I don't re post this in 60 seconds my love life is going to crap, rather then post something useful.

You spend your days posing in the mirror for your frigging cell phone camera so you can have a "new" photo on myspace that looks the same as the last stupid photo you took.
When instead you could be posting a photo that actually means something!

Instead of standing up and taking a stand and at least attempting to make a difference in the world you sit around being self absorbed.

Stop be so f**kin selfish, and get off you lazy frigging asses and DO something!
Stop your bitching and complaining about how crappy life is and MAKE it better!
Stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves, Be a voice for those who can not be a voice for themselves, Help those in need, Give back even if it's in a small way.

And stop with bullshit crap that I could care nothing for, if you have nothing better to do then post and write garbage GET A LIFE! (Trust me your in desperate need of one!)

On a side note, there are FREE ways you can become an active part of this planet, but you wouldn't know that cause your too f**king lazy!

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